Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Green Diet?

I'm sorry for my recent absence lately, busy busy! Today is actually my graduation day! I'm so excited, it's finally here! Here's what I've been up to: this blog post came about pretty unexpectedly... What kind of diet is the Green Diet?
Okay, so it's not actually a diet per say, but I've noticed a trend in my diet lately. Most of my meals are mainly composed of... green! The staples have been green smoothies, and then just about anything green tends to make its way onto my plate. Here are some examples of my recent foods;
*The Works veggie burger with avocados, spinach and sundried tomatoes

*Green Tea lattes and frappuccinos made with soy milk from Starbucks
*Green smoothies (homemade, Bolthouse Farms, Booster Juice and Jugo Juice)
*Kale, spinach, mushroom and tofu stir fry
*Avocado and cucumber sushi rolls with wasabi
*Matcha green tea and kale juice lemonade (I had fun making this!)

*Tabouli (parsley and couscous salad)
*Nacho flavour kale chips from Brad's Raw Foods
*guacamole and crackers
*edamame salad from the salad bar at Farm Boy
*avocado on toast (with salt, pepper and lemon juice)
I feel like I'm onto something here! I've never been into following strict diets, but I like this "rule" of having as much green food as you can.
In other news, I got a juicer as a house warming gift. I'm a really happy girl and I have a feeling there is gonna be a whole lotta juicing in my future! Check out this strawberry guava juice, fancy! Okay, it's not green... But it's healthy and beautiful! Cheers!

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